
An IoT Data Acquisition Platform

STATDATA Solutions is a provider of a universal IoT data collection platform based on industry standards. Its IoTconnect™ platform is a highly flexible IoT data management and integration solution that simplify the on-demand access, collection, integration and analysis of IoT data.


The Discovery Workshop is a structured engagement designed to generate creative, out of the box thinking about targeted IoT data collection based on clearly understood business issues and opportunities a given organization is looking to exploit. It is facilitated by a professional from our consulting practice. STATDATA Solution takes a holistic approach around the people, process, and technology. Our consultants:

  • Understand client goals, business objectives, current processes
  • Engage consulting early to determine best approach
  • Identify & engage with key stakeholder
Following are some of the topics covered at the workshop:
  • Collaborative meeting designed to bring together key stakeholders
  • Allows cooperative and collective ideas to flow between business entities/ organizations that many times do not share information
  • Focuses on broad issues and opportunities
  • Gathers large amounts of language data within a very short amount of time
  • Generate clear opportunities where we can bring value to our client